Take the Gloves Off
We want to fight the good fight, and finish the race, but we cannot do that if we skip over the preparation process in its entirety.
Take the Gloves Off
Can a Candle Burn from Three Ends?
And Out Came a Golden Calf
The Year of Silence.
Devotions 101: How's your prayer life?
Devotions 101: Do You Give God Time and Space to Speak?
Devotions 101: What does your devotional time look like?
Get Out of the Abyss
Escaping the Black and White
I am the Branch
A page from my journal.
I Am the Bride
The World Says Cope. Then Comes Jesus...
I Am Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
Take the Pressure Off: Determining Your Identity
Take the Pressure Off: Perfection
Shipwrecked but Confident