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Digital ScratchPad
You know how sometimes you think through things that just don't seem to fit into a category? That's what this section of the blog is. It's my digital scratch pad; a collection of blog posts about work, family, ministry, and life in general.

Jan 135 min read
The Year of Static Noise
God was doing good things. I wasn’t feeling any of them. I was feeling a deeper sadness than I’d ever known complimented by anxiety that...

Apr 20, 20222 min read
What do you want your life to look like?
What do you want your life to look like?
It's a pretty big question to ask yourself. There are innumerable variables involved...

Feb 23, 20212 min read
Go There.
Some of the best things God has shown me He’s shown me by taking me places inside myself I did NOT want to go.

Jan 16, 20212 min read
Escaping the Black and White
Before a heart knows Christ, life is ONLY black and white; either you know Him and walk with Him, or you don't. But see, once you know Him..

Dec 31, 20202 min read
A page from my journal.
if you read no further than this sentence, here's what the Lord spoke to my heart as the year winds down: New Year, Same Savior.

Oct 27, 20201 min read
Colossians 1:17
This has become a coffee mug verse, and I'm afraid many of us are losing the significance of the truth presented here.

Jun 28, 20204 min read
The Lie of Self-Sufficiency
In this season, God is teaching me something that is probably literally changing the projection of my life, and He's used the writings of...

Apr 7, 20202 min read
Psalm 19:14
I find this interesting, and very indicative of the nature of God's heart. David is not writing about anything we DO in this Psalm...

Mar 30, 20201 min read
I think we can all agree that it is good to be known by someone. Whether it’s a friend, your family or your lover for life...

Mar 28, 20201 min read
Remember when you were younger, and would fight with your siblings or a friend? Your parents would break it up, tell one of you to apologize

Jan 27, 20204 min read
Kobe Bryant
This may be an unpopular post, but that doesn't make it unnecessary.

Jan 18, 20203 min read
Parenting from a Child's Perspective
I know it’s an odd thing for someone who is not a parent to write about parenting. But don’t you think it would be interesting to talk to...

Dec 25, 20192 min read
Sarah Holmstrom: Mark 6:48
A friend of mine recently sent me thought from her devotional time in Mark 6. I thought it was a great perspective, so I wanted to share!

Nov 20, 20192 min read
Jenny Russell: Galatians 1:10
Guest Writer, Jenny Russell, writes about Galatians 1 and touches on how those with a past of being abused can be encouraged.

Nov 14, 20192 min read
We Need to See the Reference
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love...

Sep 13, 20192 min read
Small Battle, Big Victory
God had me up in the middle of the night with this thought, and I felt like it was one I had to share. We spend a lot of time talking...

Aug 14, 20192 min read
It May Not Look Like Much
It may not look like much, this room we're currently holding youth group in. It's in the middle of construction as we await our new...

Aug 13, 20191 min read
Psalm 103
I wrote this little note in my Bible months, maybe years, ago. Psalm 103 is easily one of my favorite Psalms for this reason.

Aug 12, 20191 min read
John 20 & 21
In these verses (John 20:3-10) we see Peter go to the tomb of Christ, and see it empty. He sees the linens lying there, the face cloth...

May 21, 20193 min read
The Church Needs to Refocus.
The church needs to refocus. This is a fight for souls, not church attendance. People can show up, sing, pray and still be far from the Lord

Apr 4, 20193 min read
We're Just Ordinary People...
The other day, I saw this quick video clip online. I shared it on Facebook with this thought: I feel like so many hear this quick little...

Mar 4, 20193 min read
Walking with the Wise
People. Life has a lot to do with people, doesn't it? Scripture contains so many examples of how important the "company you keep" is....

Feb 19, 20194 min read
One-World Religion and...Silence from the World?
I know, I know. I'm probably not supposed to skim the surface of politics and such on this blog. But, I've never been one to follow...

Sep 6, 20182 min read
Three Life Lessons Best Learned Before Tomorrow
While there are many more life lessons that would bring change to your life in some way over time, these are three life lessons I firmly...

Sep 6, 20183 min read
The Little Victories
We've all had them; those days where your head is everywhere except where it's supposed to be and you just can't seem to gain the...

Sep 6, 20183 min read
What If...You're in Your Own Way?
What if... My business fails? I don't get the promotion? My significant other leaves me? I lose loved ones? This doesn't turn out how I...

Sep 6, 20182 min read
Sink, Swim or Get Out of the Pool
"The fear of drowning will either be the reason you stay in the shallow end of the pool or the reason you learn how to swim." The quote...

Sep 6, 20182 min read
Be Unwilling
Yes, you read that right. I am about to explain how being unwilling is going to propel you towards your goals. In my last post, I talked...

Sep 6, 20182 min read
Contrary to What They Say...It's Not Enough
A common belief is that if you want something bad enough and if you are willing to accomplish that goal or attain that "thing" it will be...

Sep 6, 20182 min read
Where Should You Invest?
You could spend hours and hours of your days watching the stock market, asking questions like how much did my stocks go up today? Should...

Sep 6, 20183 min read
Stop Searching for Your Purpose
No Seriously... You Should Stop It’s a contradicting thought, I know, this idea that you should stop searching for your purpose when...

Sep 6, 20181 min read
Leadership Done Right
"People support what they help create." - Steve Baker What's this mean? Here's my take on it. I think this is a soft-spoken challenge to...
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