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About the StudySeries

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About a year and a half ago I did a word study on "worship" in an effort to better understand how God defines it, and His heart for it. This is not just important for worship leaders to understand, but for all of us to understand as we're all called to be worshippers of the Lord.

Day Three

We're in Deuteronomy 6 beginning to define worship according to God's heart. Beyond that, we're challenged to identify who or what our object of worship really is. 

Day Four

Today we're in Psalm 2, hearing for the first time so far in this study some instruction on *how we are called to worship regarding the disposition of our hearts. Now that we have established God's heart for it, and a bit more about what it actually is, David's discussion of worship gives us direction.

Day Five

Day Five is focused on Psalm 66 and the direction David gives us in how we're called to sing praises of worship to the Lord. This is the first time in the study that worship actually has to do with the act of singing, which is how many of us tend to define worship as a whole. 

Day Six

Day Six is focused on Matthew 15:8-9. It tells us what worship is not just as much as what it is. What I'm sharing here is significantly different than what

I originally had in my notes. God has something specific to say to me on this day, and I'm excited to share it with you.

Day Seven

We're in John 4 today. John presents a really simple, yet really profound question to all who claim to worship the Lord through the recounting of Jesus' interaction with the woman at the well.

Day Eight

Day Eight has us in Romans 12 looking at a practical, yet personal, way we can worship God. We discussed this verse briefly in the Intro (Day One), but dive deeper into it today. 

Day Nine

We're in Philippians 3. Nothing new is presented here; in fact, this verse sums up a lot of what we've talked about in the study so far. Simple, necessary reminder!

Day Ten

Day Ten has us in Revelation. Honestly, this day brought me to tears. In a very profound way, John helps us step into the scene of Heaven in Eternity for a moment in a way that really drives home what worship looks like.

Day Eleven

Today is our last day of the study. We're in Revelation 14. It may seem like an odd way to end an otherwise uplifting series, but what John writes here is incredibly important and relevant for us to understand when it comes to worship.


This is a quick recap of the study followed by a little bit about what I'm hoping to bring to DeckDevotionals in April! I want to hear from you guys. Let me know your thoughts here >> 

Day Two

We're in Exodus 24 discovering God's heart for worship. In this passage, God is reissuing the 10 Commandments to Moses to relay to His people, but with specific direction in the process; the direction to remove all that stands in the way of worshipping the Lord, and the Lord alone.

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