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About the StudySeries

I recently had the opportunity to teach a Bible study through a ministry I’m involved with. We’ve been studying the Gospel of Luke. When I came to Luke 5, I was blown away! It’s the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and He hits the ground running with showing the people, and His disciples, exactly who He is and what He came to do.


It’s a reminder we can all use no matter what season we find ourselves, how long we’ve known Jesus or how far we may feel from Him at the moment.

StudySeries Resources

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Session I: Jesus is the Source of Our Identity

Before we even come to know Him, He knows who we will become in and through Him. And the moment we start that relationship with Him, everything we once used to identify or define ourselves, or what others used to label us, is erased and replaced with one simple identifying statement by the Lord: You are Mine. Read the full devotional here >> 

Session II: Jesus is Our Healer

In this session, we're looking at Luke 5:12-13 where Jesus heals a man with leprosy. In addition to watching Jesus be the Healer here, there's a lot we can glean from these verses. I believe you'll find the nature of your prayer life challenged in a beautifully productive way. 

Session III: Jesus is the Only Way

Looking at Luke 5:17-26 where Jesus heals the paralytic we see that He is the only way to healing; we see the priority of His ministry; and we see the domino effect of God showing up in our lives in a physical, tangible way.

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